SENG webinar
"Social and Emotional Development of Twice-Exceptional Students: What does the Research Say?"July 6th, 2017 4:30pm - 6:00pm (PDT)Cost: $40.00
Presenter: Megan Foley-Nicpon
High ability students with disabilities may have unique social and emotional profiles in comparison to their peers. In this webinar, Foley-Nicpon will review the research regarding common social and emotional difficulties twice-exceptional students may face. She will also discuss the psychosocial components of talent development and how these domains may manifest differently among high ability students with disabilities. Research-based strategies and interventions also will be discussed.
Foley-Nicpon is the highly respected Associate Director of the Belin-Blank Center.
Suggestion Box
I'll generally post for-profit events like above if they seem topical. There are limits to how much I can vet however. What do folks think? On broader lines, is there anything else you'd like to see in the upcoming year?
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