Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall Math Thread

I'd been thinking about setting this up and then there was the recent conversation on the last thread about the high school math pathway. I get most of my math obsession out of the system by running the Math Club at Cascadia but I'm always interested how its going for everyone. So how's math this year? Do you have any victories or concerns.  Feel free to keep discussing math pathways or how you're enriching at home.

Things I'm Tracking

  • Sometime in November the new 6th grade placement policy should be shared. I'll open a specific thread when this happens.
  • Middle School math curriculum adoption looks like it may startup again.

Fun Stuff

A few resources I've enjoyed. Feel free to share any of your favorites.


An article by Richard Rusczyk which I think about from time to time  Richard is the head of Art of Problem Solving which has played a significant role in the improvement of elite mathematical training recently (I think most if not all of the recent IMO winning team.used AoPS)


Anonymous said...

Great article by Richard Rusczyk. AOPS courses are outstanding. My kid took AOPS Algebra 2 (the second half of AOPS Introductory Algebra; AOPS Algebra 3 is our Algebra 2), after taking SPS algebra as a 6th grader (which gave her no problem). That course covered introductory algebra to a much deeper level than she got in 6th grade algebra. Included Binomial Theorem, arithmetic and geometric sequences, and very complex problems. She definitely went from a top student in her algebra class to an average student in the AOPS class, and as he says: "Going from "top student in my algebra class" to "top student in my college calculus class" is not a great improvement. Going from "top student in my algebra class" to "average student in my city's math club" is a huge step forward in your educational prospects." I have to wonder how HCC kids who've advanced through the curriculum quickly will do in higher math, if they've taken it with a sub-optimal curriculum or in blended classes that move too slowly for them. AOPS does truly provide brain-twisting problems. Extremely satisfying to solve tho, when you can!

AOPS fan

Anonymous said...

Looks like math in focus was dropped in schools. I'm working through it slowly with my kid at home. It has some ridiculous story problems in places but generally seems solid.

Anonymous said...

So what about the new district 'Scope and Sequence" that has been introduced by steath (ie no public consultation, or even notification that is was happening)? We had a lengthy math adoption process that culminated in MIF being adopted and now it seems like it is being circumvented in order to 'teach to the test' for SBAC. What about teaching good math? Nah, this is SPS we're talking about - if ever something is going good they will step in to f*** it up. So MIF was probably the best thing that had happened to SPS math in a decade and now its being partly replaced with district created worksheets etc to fit their new scope and sequence. See the SAve Seattle SChool blog for more info. What is happening at the HCC elementaries with implementing this I wonder?


Anonymous said...

Slightly tangential, but two people here mentioned "math clubs" around town. Do you mean some of the "math circles"? Anyone have pointers to such clubs? I'm looking at HCC middle school level. Thanks,
