Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a good break.
CSIP (Continuous School Improvement Plans)
Supposedly all schools are required to have a section on Advanced Learners although a casual glance at a few shows this to not be the case yet. I view this as an opportunity, however. If there is something concrete you'd really like changed at your site this might be the time to band together and lobby to have it included in the plan for the next year.
This update was just sent out to hopefully to everyone involved in testing:
"Thank you for referring your child for Advanced Learning testing. The Advanced Learning office will notify you via email about your child’s eligibility as scores are received and processed (late January through February). Because the notifications will be emailed on a rolling basis, we cannot give you a precise date. If you haven’t received an eligibility email by Feb. 29, please contact us at
alsupportanalysts@seattleschools.org with the subject line “Eligibility Letter.”
If you would like your child to participate in Advanced Learning programs or services in a school other than your attendance-area school, you should enroll the child during Open Enrollment, Feb. 17 to March 1. Even if you have NOT received eligibility results by this time, or if you are appealing, please submit a School Choice Form during this window, anyway. Find guidance on our
Advanced Learning Enrollment page.
Ineligible Students and Appeals
If you receive an email stating your student is NOT eligible this year, you may appeal within a limited time. Important: All appeals documents must be received by the Advanced Learning office no later than THREE WEEKS from the date of the email. (We have tightened the appeals window in order to accommodate budget and staffing timelines.) Find guidance on our
Advanced Learning Appeals page.
· Families who are eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch may request free appeals testing.
· Please submit a School Choice form during the Open Enrollment window, even if your appeal is in process.
Eligible Students and Enrollment
Highly Capable-eligible students: HC services are guaranteed, either at your attendance-area school or through self-contained classes in your pathway Highly Capable Cohort school. For your child to join the cohort, you should submit a School Choice form during Open Enrollment.
Advanced Learning-eligible students: Your student may receive advanced work at your attendance-area school or through self-contained or cluster-grouped Spectrum classes, available at designated sites on a space-available basis. You may submit a School Choice form during Open Enrollment, but a seat is not guaranteed.
Find guidance on our
Advanced Learning Enrollment page.
Note that testing for grades K-8 continues at least through January for students referred by the Oct. 8 deadline. If you have not received a testing appointment by Jan. 6, please email
alsupportanalysts@seattleschools.org with the subject line “Winter Testing.”
To learn more and to find answers to specific questions about Advanced Learning in Seattle Public Schools, please see our Advanced Learning pages:
http://www.seattleschools.org/students/academics/advanced_learning/ Thank you!
Stephen Martin, Advanced Learning Supervisor"
Some recent articles I've read on the subject of gifted education.