Sunday, October 9, 2016

October '16 Open Thread

Brain Power Event at UW Robinson Center

"On Sunday, October 30, the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and the University of Washington Robinson Center are co-sponsoring a one-day event featuring fun, hands-on learning opportunities for academically advanced students and engaging discussions for parents and educators about pressing issues in gifted education ranging from curriculum to college readiness to the unique challenges faced by advanced learners.
This event is designed for academically advanced students in kindergarten through 12th grade and their families, and educators of all backgrounds. Join us for this opportunity to hear from leaders in the field of gifted education and to learn more about helping your child shine.  
Space is limited. RSVP
CTY Talent Search
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth"

What the end state of Equity looks like in San Francisco

"San Francisco’s mayor, spurred by city supervisors, has sided with parents in a math war waged against the school district, setting aside city money to help motivated students accelerate through Algebra 1, officials said Wednesday.
The school district’s current sequence of math courses makes Algebra 1 a ninth-grade course, even though private schools and many other public school districts offer students the option of taking algebra in middle school, putting them on a track to take calculus senior year.
Frustrated parents have accused the district of dumbing down math, leaving advanced students bored and behind their peers enrolled elsewhere. Parents petitioned the district last year, submitting more than 1,000 signatures to restore Algebra I to the middle school curriculum."

What's on your minds?

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