HCS AC meeting tomorrow 12/5
The next meeting of the Highly Capable Services Advisory Committee will be on Tuesday, December 5, JSCEE, Auditorium, 6:30 to 8 pm (2445 3rd Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134).
The agenda will include:
- An update from Advanced Learning
- Changes to appeals process
- Updates from new sites
- Decatur, Eagle Staff and Madison
- High School Boundaries/Student Assignment Plan Discussion
NWGCA Annual Workshop
Annual Parent & Educator Workshop
Risdon Middle School in Newcastle/Renton, WA
Saturday December 9, 1 PM - 4:30 PM
Enjoy two insightful presentations back-to-back, in the longer workshop format, with opportunities to discuss with fellow parents and educators.
Math Camp / Competition Talk 12/21
Dr. Titu Andreescu, professor of mathematics at UT Dallas, former Head Coach of the USA International Mathematics Olympiad team (and the first team ever to get a perfect score in IMO), former director of AMC (American Mathematics Competitions), chairman of the USAMO, founder of AwesomeMath, and author of large number of Mathematics Olympiads books will be visiting Microsoft in Seattle for a talk on the topic of math competitions for middle school and high school students. The session is free and open to everyone, so please come join this rare opportunity to listen for tips from the best in the world!
The presentation will be at Building 30/1087 on Thursday 12/21 at 2-3pm. Register using this link: https://goo.gl/forms/DKabzoChvng2BvPX2
What's on your minds?
I was surprised to find out many schools with HCC students are lacking staff and/or parent representation on the HCS Advisory Committee.
From what I can tell there are no staff representatives from:
1. Hamilton
2. Robert Eagle Staff
3. Washington
4. Garfield
Schools lacking a parent representative:
1. Decatur (possibly filled last night)
2. Hamilton
3. Jane Addams
4. Madison
5. Washington (possibly filled)
It's unfortunate there are so many open spots for middle school parent involvement, particularly given the HC high school pathway changes coming down the pike which might be voted on by the school board in a couple hours.
Are there any summer math camps in the Seattle area people would recommend for elementary students? The Eastside has a ton of resources but don't know of too many offerings in Seattle.
We never did any math camps, but you might check with the UW Robinson's center. They have some summer enrichment programs that might focus on math. There is also an organization in Seattle called Math For Love, check with them. I heard about them after my child entered middle school, they might just be for elementary age students. They might have something. https://mathforlove.com/ Good Luck.
HIMS parent
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